Set for 7

‘Set for 7’ is The Blue Coat School Basingstoke’s programme to ensure that students and their parents make a great start to secondary school and are set up to make the very most of their time at The Blue Coat School Basingstoke from day one.

In the run up to joining us we have been broadcasting our live Set for 7 shows, which are live streamed and feature staff alongside current and future students in a family-friendly show to get them excited about The Blue Coat School Basingstoke and to learn more about life here.

Our induction days at the end of the summer term allow students to have their first two days at secondary school, so that when they arrive in September it’s actually their third day at school and they are already confident. They will take this opportunity to meet their new classmates, tutors and some teachers alongside experiencing a typical secondary school day. We also have an induction meeting for parents so they understand the routines and procedures of the school and also have the chance to meet their child’s new tutor and Head of Year.

Information for future parents and students is posted on this page alongside key dates, useful links and FAQs.

Here are some dates for your diary

Wednesday 3 July – Set for 7 LIVE

Wednesday 19 June – Set for 7 LIVE

Thursday 27 June, 8.45am to 2.40pm – Induction Day 1

Friday 28 June, 8.45am to 2.40pm – Induction Day 2

Tuesday 9 July, 6pm – Information Evening

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